‘Ahhh’ particles appear out of lemurs as they use the candle.

Candles are boosters that give a 2% increase in comfort to your lemur every hour. One candle will last one lemur for 28 days. Candles are necessary if you are tying to increase the heat of your lemurs and do not have time to hold them or play banana toss. Candles are only for breedable lemurs.

> Will last one breedable lemur for 28 days

> Gives 2% increase in comfort every hour

> Only for breedable lemurs, not pet lemurs

Menu displays Owner and Range to be ON. This candle will display particle effects and allow only owners lemurs to use it within their designated range.

< Rez a candle and click it.

< The following buttons are available:

All lemurs that belong to the same tribe, from the same owner, on the same sim can use the candle.

Opens a second menu that allows you to add a user to the candle. Any lemurs that the new user owns will be able to use your candle.

Opens a second menu which allows you to turn hover text and particles on or off.

Only lemurs you own can use the candle.

All lemurs that belong to the same group can use the candle.

Any lemur can use the candle.

This option requires the candle to be placed inside the lemurs roaming range.

All lemurs rezzed on a specific parcel can use the candle.

All lemurs rezzed on the sim can use the candle.