This menu displays Distance to be ON. Lemur Jack can breed with all lemurs that are set within his roaming radius.

This menu displays All to be ON. Lemur Jack can breed with all lemurs that are set within the same roaming radius.

< Rez a lemur, click it and click Breeding/Distance. If a lemur is ready to breed the menu will give you breeding options. A lemur is ready to breed if its hover text is yellow and has full heat.

< The following buttons are available:

You must set lemurs roaming range close enough so they can find one another. You do this by clicking Range and setting their distance within the same parameter.

Distance opens another menu with the following buttons:

Can breed with other lemurs that belong to the same owner and are set within the same roaming radius.

Can breed with all lemurs that are set within the same roaming radius (even if you do not own them).

Can breed with lemurs that belong to the same group and are set within the same roaming radius (even if you do not own them).

To set a Group, right click a lemur and open the Build Menu. Go to General tab/Group.

Click Ongoing to allow two lemurs to have a lasting partnership.

You can select a partner by Touch, Name or ID #.

< Rez a lemur, click it and click Breeding/Partner.

Allows you to create a partnership with another lemur located on the same sim. Partherships do not have to be within the same roaming range and they do not need to be with the same owner.

Partner opens another menu with the following buttons:

One Time
The partnership will last for one breeding cycle.

The partnership will last during the entire lifespan of the lemurs.

Jenny does not currently belong to a Tribe. Click Yes and type a name in chat to create one.

< Rez a lemur, click it and click Breeding/Tribe.

Allows you to breed lemurs belonging to the same tribe. Tribes do not have to be within the same roaming range, but they need to be with the same owner.

Tribe opens another menu with the following buttons:

Click Yes to select tribe and then type a tribe name in chat if a lemur currently does not belong to one.

Click No to not select a tribe.

If a lemur does not belong to a tribe and you type a name in chat, you have to Confirm that you want this name or Reject to select a different name.

Click Breed Alert or Birth Alert to be notified when lemurs are about to breed or give birth.

< Rez a lemur, click it and click Breeding/Alerts.

Notifies you when lemurs are about to breed or give birth.

Alerts opens another menu with the following buttons (Birth Alert is not available for male lemurs):

Breed Alert
Click the button and you are notified via IM when lemurs are about to breed and offered a teleport to watch.

Birth Alert
Click the button and you are notified via IM when a female lemur is about to give birth and offered a teleport to watch.