Both buttons contain additional options for holding.

< Rez a lemur, click it and click Hold.

< The following buttons are available:

Attaches your lemur to your arm.

Attaches your lemur to your center.

Arm will let you carry your lemur on your right arm, while Floor will allow your lemur to roam around at your feet amd move with you where ever you go. Zooby’s provides a food pouch that you can carry with you so your lemurs do not starve while they are attached to you.

A lemur sits comfortably in your arms while being held.

Lemurs cannot use boosters or medicine while attached. They cannot breed or give birth while attached. Lemurs will not randomly dig up gems while attached.

RIGHT CLICK and DROP to place your lemur back on land. If the drop option is grayed out on your menu:

• You may be on land that you’re unable to rez objects on. Go to land that you know that you’re able to rez objects on.

• You may not have the correct group activated for the land you’re on. Change your active group to the same one that the land information indicates.